Do you own multiple investment properties in the Denver/Boulder area or thinking about starting to invest in real estate? If so, you may want to consider forming an LLC to limit your liability and to protect your personal assets. Since 2016, GLO has specialized in helping people along the Front Range form LLCs to invest in Colorado real estate.
Read MoreDo you currently own or plan on starting your own small business in Denver, Boulder, or anywhere along the Front Range? Do you need help filing your articles of incorporation or developing an operating agreement for your Colorado limited liability company? If so, read this blog to find out about more about LLCs and why it is the perfect business model for your small business.
Read MoreAn employer’s incorrect categorization of a laborer, as either an employee or an independent contractor, could mean grave legal and financial consequences for the employer. Read this blog to find out what the difference is between an employee and independent contractor and how the government classifies these individuals so that you avoid any liability.
Read MoreA B Corporation is perfect for entrepreneurs or startups in the Dever/Boulder area looking to start a sustainable business and improve the corporate landscape. This blog discusses B Corps, a kind of business that balances purpose and profit and considers sustainability and its environmental impact in addition to maximizing shareholder profit.
Read MoreDo you own a business outside of Colorado and want do business in Colorado? Have you registered as a foreign entity or need to know how? Read this blog to find out what registering your business as a foreign entity means and how to do it.
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